Monica A. Nicoll, Ph.D.
Monica’s practice includes Individual (adult & adolescent), Marital/Couples, and Family Counseling She has been in counseling practice for 30+ years both in private practice and as the Clinical Director for a hospital Outpatient Clinic. Monica is an adjunct professor of counseling at Plymouth State University and provided training in counseling throughout the U.S. and Europe.
She received her M.A. degree in Counseling Psychology from the Adler University in Chicago and Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Research Methodology from Florida Atlantic University. She has been a court certified Family Mediator and Parent Coordinator and is an approved supervisor for counseling interns.
Monica combines her professional training in counseling and psychotherapy with her prior experience in the health and athletics field. A former competitive figure skater (Canada and W. Germany) and professional figure skater (Europe and S. America), skating coach, and fitness center director, Monica brings a holistic approach to her work emphasizing a total wellness orientation to foster resilience and wellness in her clients’ personal, marital and family lives. She has authored two books for children and parents with a focus on social-emotional learning and self-regulation: Key to Calm and Key to Chivalry (Amazon).

William G. Nicoll, Ph.D.
Bill’s practice focuses on professional development training for both educators and mental health professionals worldwide. He has provided consulting and professional training services throughout countries in N. America, South & Central America, Africa, Europe and Asia. His 45+ years of experience in the mental health and education fields includes serving as a professor of counseling and department chair as well as a special education teacher (behavior disorders), school counselor (public and international schools), and licensed mental health
counselor working in agency, private practice and correctional settings. He received a Master’s degree in Counseling from Boston University and a Ph.D. in Counseling from the University of Arizona.
Bill is a world renowned speaker, trainer, author and consultant on issues pertaining to children, families, schools and mental health issues. He is widely recognized as a seminal author on school-based family counseling and as a trainer in Adlerian Counseling & Therapy. Bill has served as the national trainer on Brief Counseling/Therapy for the American Counseling Associations (rated one of top 3 ACA trainings), as a consultant to the U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas School, and to numerous international school organizations. He has developed and implemented counselor training programs for several international universities and organizations as well as developed and directed the former Adlerian Training Institute. Bill serves on editorial boards for national and international professional journals and has held numerous professional leadership positions at the state, national and international levels He has published extensively in professional books and journals on issues pertaining to individual and family counseling, resilience development, and social-emotional learning.